XL National Meeting of the
Spanish Society of Pharmacology
Toledo, September 6 to 8 - 2023
On behalf of the Spanish Society of Pharmacology, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the XL National Meeting of the Spanish Society of Pharmacology that will be held in Toledo in the Campus de Fábrica de Armas belonging to the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha from 6 to 8 of September.
The meeting is expected to gather a large number of pharmacologists and scientists from other academic disciplines such as chemists, pharmacists, and physicians. We have organized a very attractive scientific program covering frontline areas of pharmacology and therapeutics. Moreover, there will be three Invited Lectures to be delivered by highly recognized scientists such as Virgil Percec, Graeme Milligan, and Michael Spedding. We think that the future of the society in general and of scientific societies in particular relays on the young generations that will be able to surpass the achievements of their predecessors. For this reason, the meeting will put the focus in facilitating the participation of young scientists at early stages of their scientific careers through short presentations of their scientific results, as well as facilitating the assistance to the Meeting through grants to cover their expenses.
Besides the scientific part, Toledo is a marvellous city located on the riverbanks of Tajo river that has an intense history which is reflected in the large number of monuments telling the history of the city known as the city of three cultures: Muslim, Christian and Jew that lived together for centuries in the city. Toledo is also a modern city with a very attractive artistic, gastronomic, and ludic offer which makes it worth to visit.
We look forward to meet you in Toledo at the XL National Meeting of the Spanish Society of Pharmacology.
The Old Weapon Factory of Toledo (see attached map) holds now the Technological Campus of the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. It is one of the best preserved buildings of the industrial architecture from the last two centuries in Spain. Both the Paraninfo de Envases de Cartón (building 5) and the Sala de Grados de Sabatini (building 2), holding the XL National Meeting of the Spanish Society of Pharmacology, are located near the Sabatini Entrance to the campus.


Toledo, an ancient city located on a hill above the plains of Castilla-La Mancha and bathed by the Tajo River, is known for being a city of the three cultures (Jews, Muslims and Christians) being a World Heritage Site for its great artistic and cultural wealth.
Its monumental impact makes it an essential place to be visited. Its historical monuments include, among others, the Plaza de Zocodover, the Alcázar, the Cathedral, the Old Mosque of Cristo de la Luz, the Roman baths and the Caves of Hércules. The church of Santo Tomé deserves special mention for the pictorial relevance of the works of El Greco, the great master of painting of the high Renaissance, which it houses.
The dishes and culinary customs configure the gastronomy of Toledo, cuisine that is most identified with the Castilian for being known as rainfed, with memorable ingredients such as saffron (D.O.), products such as sheep’s milk cheese, typical dishes such as ajoarriero cod and desserts, being marzipan the star element of Toledo pastries.
Its great heritage, cultural, artistic, and gastronomic offer has a great attraction for national and international tourists, the latter captivated by its proximity to Madrid, interconnected the two cities through a high-speed train, generates a very positive flow in the transmission of the Castilla-La Mancha culture. The people of Toledo are known for their hospitality, joy and openness to cultural diversity, which traditionally facilitated the coexistence between the three cultures that historically lived in this city that today perfectly combines tradition and modernity.
Hotel reservations must be processed personally by the congress attendants. The participation in the XL National Meeting of the Spanish Society of Pharmacology must be mentioned in order to be identified by the establishment correctly.
The Meeting organization has contacted the following hotels to secure enough rooms for the meeting attendants. However, since Toledo is a very touristic city, it is highly advisable to book hotel rooms well in advance of the meeting date.
Web site
Hotel Beatriz ****
Address: C. de los Concilios, s/n, 45005 Toledo
Phone: +34 925 26 91 00
Hotel San Juan de los Reyes****
Address: C/ Reyes Católicos, 5 45002 Toledo
Phone: +34 925 283 535
Hotel Abad ***
Address: Real del Arrabal, 1 – 45003 Toledo
Phone: +34 925 283 500
Hotel YIT Conquista Toledo***
Address: C/ Juan Labrador, 8 – 45001 Toledo
Phone: +34 925 21 07 60
1- Meeting Venues
2- Hotel Beatriz ****
3- Hotel San Juan de los Reyes ****
4- Hotel Abad ***
5- Hotel YIT Conquista Toledo ***