Who We Are
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The society
The Spanish Society of Pharmacology
was founded in 1972 to bring together all Spanish pharmacologists, in order to facilitate:
• The holding of scientific meetings (an annual meeting at the national level with the aim of promoting scientific and social exchange among Spanish pharmacologists as well as joint meetings with other societies of Pharmacology within the framework of the International Pharmacology Association and European Pharmacology Association (IUPHAR and EPHAR).
• Representation in national and international organizations.
• The attendance of Spanish pharmacologists to scientific and technical meetings held anywhere in the world.
• Stimulation of pharmacological research through the granting of scholarships, prizes and other kinds of aid.
• The operation of different working committees or sections aimed at discussing specific pharmacological issues and / or related areas. Our statutes
Sociedad Española de Farmacología
Departamento de Farmacología y Toxicología. Pabellón III, 1ª Planta
Facultad de Medicina. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Pl. de Ramón y Cajal, s/n
28040 – Madrid
Telf. +34 647 987 722
The Secretariat of the Spanish Society of Pharmacology is located at the corporate headquarters.
Administrative Assistant:
Mar Morales Molina